The minerals can exhibit a very special attractiveness! All people who visited my collection were somehow astonished and the reasons were often different. Many were affected with the perfection of the geometrical shapes or the deep colors; others were surprised by the transparency and brightness. In any case, the most common comment was: "What a wonderful world"! I believe the emotional impact the minerals exhert on us is the true reason to become a mineral collector. For this reason, I want to give my guests the opportunity to look at the collection in a special way. Within the Rooms section I have divided most of the specimens on the grounds of particular (and very personal) criteria. The Gemstone room lists most of the minerals we could usually see in a jewelery, like beryls, topazes and tourmalines. The Color room includes the specimens exhibiting some special, astonishing, deep color, while the Alpine room contains the many marvelous specimens coming from the heart of Europe: the Alps. A special room is devoted to the Calcite, because even though it is one of the most common and ordinary minerals, it can exhibit an extraordinary variety of shapes and colors. Finally, in the last room I have simply listed my own Favourite specimens. But, please, don't take it too much seriously: I really love all the specimens of the collection!